Setup your real name in your profile

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Moderators: threadless, Chris Minicola, Bill Meier

Setup your real name in your profile

Postby Hemingray » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:47 am

One of my pet peeves with some bulletin boards is that you can't find out someone's real name. Who is "threadless"?

I have added a required field in your user profile called "Real Name" ... That so we can find out who's who!

To access this, go to "User Control Panel" (upper left of most screens), click on the "Profile" tab. You will then be in the "Edit Profile" screen. Go to the bottom of it, and add your real name.

When you click on someone's "handle" you will now see

An example of the new profile output
real.gif (9.3 KiB) Viewed 15690 times

I encourage all of you who have registered to update your profile and add this field. I feel it makes everything much more friendly to know who you are really talking to!

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Re: Setup your real name in your profile

Postby CliMac » Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:25 am

Will the spiders be reading the profiles?

I don't have any issues with people who wish to remain anonymous. I do have a similar pet peeve though. I wish it were mandatory to include at least a vague location as it really adds context to your posts.
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Re: Setup your real name in your profile

Postby Hemingray » Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:25 am

CliMac wrote:Will the spiders be reading the profiles?.

There is a lot of control to determine what spiders can and can not see. We will be adjusting these as we learn more about the options.

CliMac wrote:I don't have any issues with people who wish to remain anonymous. I do have a similar pet peeve though. I wish it were mandatory to include at least a vague location as it really adds context to your posts.

I have made "Real Name" a required field when registering. If people feel strongly about having the location field be required, that can be setup. However having too many required fields could be daunting to the new user signing up.
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Re: Setup your real name in your profile

Postby Hemingray » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:42 pm

CliMac wrote:Will the spiders be reading the profiles?.

I checked by setting myself in the 'bot" group only (the group that the spiders are assigned to), and they can not view profiles and can't view some of the pictures.

I suspect they "did the right thing" with regards to what bots should, and should not, access.

As I said, I did verify they do not have access to any of your personal information. Hope this helps!
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Re: Setup your real name in your profile

Postby Bill Meier » Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:49 pm


Now that I know you are "threadless" I can address you by your real name! (well I knew your real name before, but that's not the point...)

In case some of you might be confused, you will see posts from me under two different names
  • Bill Meier
  • Hemingray
The difference is that posts by Bill Meier are posts with me running with all privileges, i.e. that of administrator. You probably will not see these posts very often.

I will generally be posting under Hemingray. That account has the typical privileges that all of you do. I found that I would get a superset view of the board if I was looking at it with administrator privileges, and I wanted to be sure I was looking at it then way the general user was looking at it.

For example, I had locked the topics on the main page so people had to put posts into one of the predefined forums we had setup up, and not be able to add new topics at that level. While it still says the forum is locked, for the list of Forum Permissions at the bottom, it does say (in part) ...

You can post new topics in this forum.

That is exactly what I didn't want to allow! However, that option only appeared when I was an administrator... so I made Hemingray to give me a more "normal" view of the forum. Also this way, I don't do something "accidentally" which should be something managed by an administrator.

Like as administrator, I can edit any ones post. I might do this accidentally... when I meant to edit mine or something. A safe guard so I don't do something stupid :)

I hope this makes some sense, or at least allows you to associate the two names with me. Note this is probably not an issue for those who are moderators. If I need to do something "super privileged" I just switch and log into Bill Meier.

Ricky probably should do the same. Create a name with administer privileges, and then set threadless to just have normal forum access like all the other people do. Only a suggestion Ricky, you are the main manager of the board!

If nothing else, understand that I have two names you will see. Of course, clicking on either will show a real name of Bill Meier.

Sorry for rambling but perhaps there is something of value here...

P.S. Yes, I'm using some of the special "BBCodes" to do bolding and make lists and links :)
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Re: Setup your real name in your profile

Postby Alex » Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:56 pm

I think location should be mandatory, doesn't necessarily need to be specific (ie: Ontario vs London, Ontario), but its always handy to know when somebody asks a reqional question and does not provide what region they are in.

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Re: Setup your real name in your profile

Postby Robin Plewes » Thu Oct 15, 2009 6:01 am

I'm sure everyone can figure out my opinion on nick names. ;)

The new forum on dial up service goes well with my breakfast in the mornings.

Have a good one ....... Robin
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